Pakistan Food Association


In a world where cultural diversity is celebrated, the fusion of food and tourism has emerged as a powerful force. The 8th October 2019 Conference hosted by the Pakistan Food Association brought together culinary enthusiasts, industry experts, and policymakers to explore the symbiotic relationship between the food industry, tourism, and export potential. This blog will delve into the key insights and discussions that transpired during this enlightening event.

Culinary Tourism: A Gateway to Cultural Exploration

Pakistan, with its rich tapestry of flavors and culinary traditions, has the potential to become a global hub for culinary tourism. The conference highlighted how the unique blend of spices, recipes passed down through generations, and diverse regional cuisines could serve as a magnet for tourists seeking authentic cultural experiences.

Speakers emphasized that food is not merely sustenance; it is a narrative of a region’s history, traditions, and values. From the vibrant street food stalls of Lahore to the aromatic biryanis of Karachi, every dish tells a story, inviting tourists to embark on a gastronomic journey through Pakistan’s cultural landscape.

Boosting Tourism Through Culinary Experiences:

The conference shed light on the idea that promoting culinary tourism requires a collaborative effort between the food industry and the tourism sector. Local businesses, restaurants, and food festivals were identified as key players in creating immersive culinary experiences for tourists.

Investing in infrastructure, such as food trails, cooking classes, and culinary events, was discussed as a means to not only attract tourists but also to empower local communities. By showcasing the diversity of Pakistani cuisine, regions could differentiate themselves and contribute to the overall growth of the tourism sector.

Export Potential: Turning Gastronomy into Global Trade

Beyond attracting tourists, the conference explored the export potential of Pakistan’s food industry. Industry leaders highlighted the need for innovation in packaging, quality assurance, and marketing strategies to tap into international markets successfully.

The role of the government in facilitating exports was underscored, with calls for streamlined regulations, incentives for food exporters, and initiatives to promote Pakistani food products abroad. Participants recognized that by harnessing the nation’s culinary excellence, Pakistan could establish itself as a prominent player in the global food market.


The Conference on the Role of Food Industry in Tourism & its Export Potential organized by the Pakistan Food Association served as a catalyst for transformative discussions. The event not only celebrated the diverse culinary heritage of Pakistan but also envisioned a future where food becomes a driving force for tourism and economic growth.

As the nation continues to embrace its gastronomic identity, there is immense potential for the food industry to contribute significantly to both tourism and exports. With collaboration, innovation, and a commitment to preserving and promoting culinary traditions, Pakistan is poised to emerge as a culinary destination that leaves a lasting impression on the global stage.


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